All Barcode Products

Here are all the different barcode products and services we have to offer. Please select the quantity you require of whichever product, add to cart and then proceed to the check-out.

  • EAN13


    Purchase retail barcodes for all products (except books and magazines), for example, CDs, DVDs, Amazon, eBay etc.


    • Barcode number (EAN-13)
    • Barcode images (in 4 different formats for convenience)
    • Barcode registration
    • Guarantee certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of this barcode number.
    • Immediate delivery – all files will be emailed to you as soon as the order has been made.


    Quantity Total Price (USD) Price per barcode (USD)
    1 USD  59 USD 59 each
    2 USD  116
    USD 58 each
    3 USD 171
    USD 57 each
    4 USD 224
    USD 56 each
    5 USD 275
    USD 55 each
    6 USD 324 USD 54 each
    7 USD 371 USD 53 each
    8 USD 416 USD 52 each
    9 USD 459 USD 51 each
    10 or more Please contact us contact us


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