Our barcode numbers come from the same original system as GS1 barcode numbers and can be used internationally in the vast majority of stores. Each number sold is first checked for illegal use on the internet before a sale to ensure that there are no enforcement hassles for the customer.
When purchasing a retail barcode from us, you can be confident of the following:
10 Barcodes Pack |
100 Barcodes Pack | |||
200 Barcodes Pack | |||
300 Barcodes Pack | |||
500 Barcodes Pack | |||
500 + |
When recording the barcode you purchased from us, this will display all the information about your product in the main internet databases.
This ensures that your product and information appear when you scan your product according to the application areas, and this service is provided to you free of charge in case you buy the barcode from us, but if you bought it from another company and you want to register it for you, we will register it for you, but not for free you will pay for this registration.
Yemen Barcode is a member of the International Barcode Network.
This barcode network has sold to more than 100,000 customers in more than 120 countries. They have international experience and 10 years experience in the barcode industry.
Barcode is obtained through the international barcode network. This means that they are more accepted by international retailers than any other barcode supplier.